Service für Separatoren - Prozessindustrie & Energie
Mit Alfa Laval als Servicepartner haben Sie die volle Unterstützung unseres globalen Netzwerks von engagierten Serviceexperten. Wir bieten eine breite Palette von Dienstleistungen, die die gesamte Lebensdauer Ihres Separatorsystems abdecken, von vorbeugender Wartung und Fehlersuche bis hin zu Upgrades, Überwachungssystemen und Audits. Unsere Experten können Ihre Bediener für den Betrieb und die Wartung Ihres Systems schulen, um die Leistung zu maximieren. Unser globales Vertriebsnetz steht Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung, um die richtigen Ersatzteile schnell und rechtzeitig zu liefern. Alle oben genannten Leistungen können in einem Alfa Laval Servicevertrag kombiniert werden, der auf Ihre speziellen Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten ist.
Technische Dokumentation
Suchen Sie nach Handbüchern und anderen technischen Unterlagen? Ihr lokaler Alfa Laval Vertreter kann Ihnen helfen, die richtige Dokumentation für Ihr spezifisches Separatormodell zu identifizieren, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie die richtigen Materialien für Ihre Installation erhalten.

If something goes wrong with your separator, you need to get to the bottom of it quickly. Alfa Laval experts have the knowledge and experience to solve major issues before they lead to extensive downtime and maintenance costs. If you have a problem related to your Alfa Laval separator, our experts will provide support to restore performance and/or prevent a hazardous situation. They’ll not only address the problem but will also supply a detailed analysis of the root cause and recommendations for possible areas of improvement.
We also offer Alfa Laval Remote Monitoring as a way of delivering service to you on site. Our experts will provide you with valuable advice on maintenance, service planning, process optimization and troubleshooting.
We like to think that when you purchase an Alfa Laval separator, you buy peace of mind. But your operators need to have the right level of skills to get the best out of our equipment. That's why developing their levels of competence is invaluable to your everyday operations. The more effectively they work with your Alfa Laval separator, the higher the reliability and the lower the cost of ownership.
Alfa Laval offers a broad range of training courses with a balanced mix of hands-on and theoretical training. Programs can focus on a particular product, industry and/or application. Tailor-made and needs-based training can be offered for most industries. In some cases, we can offer e-Learning modules (self-study and webinars) which are a fast and cost-efficient way to learn.
Please contact us if you are interested in learning more
Spare parts
Alfa Laval has an extensive inventory of spare parts to support the current product range. We also have legacy parts for older equipment. Our parts inventory system contains specific technical details, availability information and more to help find exactly the parts you need. Genuine Alfa Laval spares are the most effective way of protecting the uptime and reliability of your separator. That’s what makes them the best choice.
Service offering
Connected Service
Alfa Laval’s Connected Service enables remote support and predictive maintenance of your equipment. The optimized maintenance intervals help to ensure reliability and uptime and high yield. Combined with Alfa Laval’s expert knowledge, you can be sure that you have everything you need for outstanding performance throughout your equipment’s long lifetime.
Read more about Alfa Laval's Connected Service offering
An Alfa Laval customer at a refinery in Houston, Texas, was able to open up and reassemble a centrifugal separator thanks to remote guidance via an augmented reality app.
Bringing in Alfa Laval to commission your equipment helps protect your investment and makes sure that your separator has a trouble-free start-up and achieves maximum uptime.
Service agreement
Alfa Laval Service Agreements are tailor-made solutions that combine any of our services to suit your specific needs during the lifecycle. The agreements help maximize performance and reduce your operating costs as well as giving you peace of mind. They also give you full control over your maintenance budget.
Learn more about Alfa Laval Service Agreements
Read more about Alfa Laval Start-up Service Agreements
Separator upgrades
To raise the overall performance of your processes, Alfa Laval Service can conduct an audit of your separators and recommend actions that can enhance productivity, increase capacity and save energy. Alfa Laval can also upgrade outdated control systems to extend the lifetime of the machine.
Ten top tips for keeping your separator in tip top condition
Make sure water and air of the correct quality is supplied to the machine as recommended in the manual
Use only approved brands of oil for lubrication and check oil condition regularly.
Make sure that the separator is operating in accordance with recommended design parameters.
Constantly monitor vibration levels and bearing temperatures. Check regularly for leaks and any abnormal noise.
Keep the service area clean and never place parts directly on the floor.
Stick to the recommended service intervals and the instructions for preventive maintenance.
Always clean parts thoroughly before re-assembling them.
Use only Alfa Laval supplied tools for service and maintenance. Store tools in a clean, secure and dry location.
Only use genuine spare parts to achieve guaranteed performance, reliability and equipment life.
Maintain a stock of crucial spare parts such as oil, intermediate and major service kits. Follow storage instructions to avoid damage and corrosion.
Looking for product leaflets?
In the document list to the right you can see and overview of all product leaflets for our separator range or use the search function to look for more specific product information.
Wherever you are in the world an expert is always at hand
If you have any service or support needs just get in touch with us either through your nearest Alfa Laval contact or fill in the form on the right.