Packinox customer stories
Agile and responsive project management
Feedback from customers all over the world shows that our efforts, when it comes to project management and customer support, have set a market standard for reliability and efficiency in project execution. We are proud to share what our customers have to say about us.

Year after year of robust performance
In 1993, a Japanese refinery installed an Alfa Laval Packinox combined feed/effluent heat exchanger in its CCR platforming unit. The heat exchanger has performed according to its original specifications ever since — for 27 years at the time of writing. There has never been any mechanical problems and the required maintenance has consisted of standard inspections and chemical cleanings at plant turnarounds.

Quick response ensured uptime
Technicians at a refinery in the USA detected a tightness issue in an Alfa Laval Packinox heat exchanger during a turnaround. Alfa Laval sent a supervisor and a welding expert to the site, and within ten days the heat exchanger was repaired and ready for recommissioning. This meant the plant could go back online as originally planned without delay.

„Wir sind seit vielen Jahren mit der Leistung unseres Packinox-Wärmetauschers und dem Support von Alfa Laval sehr zufrieden.“ – Petr Mĕstka ist Head of Technology and Research bei Unipetrol

US-Raffinerie, Golfküste
Lesen Sie von der rekordverdächtig kurzen Lieferzeit bei einer US-Raffinerie, die den Plattenstapel in ihrem Packinox-Wärmetauscher gewechselt hat.

US-Raffinerie, Golfküste
Lesen Sie von der rekordverdächtig kurzen Lieferzeit bei einer US-Raffinerie, die den Plattenstapel in ihrem Packinox-Wärmetauscher gewechselt hat.